Monday, 31 October 2016


As we come closer to the stage of this project where we will start filming storyboards will become a huge help.a storyboard is a series of small images used to visualise what a scene in a film should look like or how the director imagined it, it is useful as it helps to be able to put shots in the right order and to remember how the scene should look when finished.Image result for film storyboard

camera angles and shots-Ryan

this is a prezi that i have created to show understanding of some of the most commonly used camera angles and shots in the film industry

Daniel Thinglink - Mise en Scene

Daniel Thinglink - Editing

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Analysing already existing A-level thriller openings,Ryan

i looked at already existing examples of our task, i done this so that i would be able to see the quality we should expect to produce to be able to achieve the higher grades for our opening scene.i looked at many different examples but will show 2 of my favorite  , 1 really liked this opening sequence a lot the mood created by the lighting and camera angles throughout the sequence works really well but i find that the music going from the start to around 57 seconds in doesn't fit the mood it feels to light hearted and so i will make sure to pay attention to the music to make it fell the mood i am trying to create
2 This opening sequence is very good everything in the sequence from the mise-en-scene to the editing of the titles in the sequence work very well to create a tense atmosphere.

Daniel - analysing an already existing A-level thriller openings

I looked at a opening sequence called "Inner Evil" and I found it very interesting. The sequence consists of a girl who is going about her day but always facing her inner fears. The editing is particularly very good since it cuts back and forth through shots of reality and her inner fears. The Mise-en-scene was also very well done with scenes of the key that is later used to kill her in a "flash forward" showing the audience that it can be used as a weapon and highlighting the fact that she sees anything as a "threat".
The sound however could have used improvement since there was too much background noise at bits and through the cuts and edits the sound changes either volume wise, or it becomes muffles then un-muffled.
Overall the sequence was very good but still needs a few adjustments to make it perfect.

For a task, we were asked to create a short prelim whilst using and understanding Shot Reverse Shot, Match on action and the 180 degree rule.

Monday, 10 October 2016

Napoleon Dynamite Type Opening Sequenece

We created this short Opening Sequence to practice editing and filming so that we are comfortable with how to do things correctly so when the official project is due to make, we are more in control of how it works.

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