Thursday, 16 March 2017


The final cut of the opening sequence is up on YOUTUBE

Daniel - UPLOAD

I am uploading the final footage onto the YouTube channel.

 Im editing up the final bits to the Opening Sequence. The full edited video will be uploaded onto YouTube later on today.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Vito - Eerie music for night and Car boot scene

I created very simple music that gives the movie a sort of erie tone. It only consists of two sounds, one constant and constant and one loud and spontaneous. This gives the movie a serious feel although as you can see isn't 100% serious.

Vito - Music Change

I ended up creating an alternate song as I took the advice of a teacher. This was very last minute, however should be too much of a problem re-syncing to the video as the structure is similar, although the music is very different.

Vito - Credit/Titles

 For the titles I decided to go with interactive titles which are actually part of the movie in a way and disappear/appear when people run past the screen. To do this I had to go frame by frame and slowly reveal parts of the text to make it look like it was appearing or in other cases disappearing. This was all done in Adobe Photoshop CC and was done using the "Mask" option on text and the "Pen" tool.

gun edit - Ryan

Due to the subject matter of out movie being based around the mafia we wanted to include a scene with a gun in it. but we ran into problems as you cant go into a public place with a replica of a gun, and so to get around this we have decided to edit one into the shot we wanted to include a gun in.
To help with the edit i found tutorials to show to the rest of the group on how to motion track. Daniel had already learnt how to use a green screen and how to implement objects into a scene.this is one of the images that we looked at to get an idea for the type of gun that we were going to edit into the selected scene.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Vito - Ident

Yesterday I created the ident we're going to use for our film in a double media lesson. This took the length of both lessons and was created using the program Adobe after effects. This is a professional program used often in real movies to create special effects, or 3D animations such as the intro I created. What I did to create this, is I took our logo for our company and put it into Adobe after effects. I then added a shatter effect to the logo to make it look like it's breaking into little pieces like glass shattering. To get the logo to look like it's forming and not breaking I changed the effects to play backwards. I then added the separate video of a glare appearing on top of the intro and use an "add" mode effect to get rid of the black background so it's just the glare. This is how I created the intro that you see in the video before you.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Daniel - Gathering Sound effects

We needed gun shots and screams for our opening sequence, so i looked up the necessary videos that were needed.

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Daniel - Sound Effect research

I looked up sound effects and how to correctly produce and input them into our opening sequence.

Monday, 27 February 2017

Daniel - Green Screen

I learned to green screen in case we might need it for our opening sequence.

Vito - Afro Wigless

We ended up not using the afro for our original idea but it may be integrated into the film in another way for comedic purposes.

Group - Ident Research and Analysing

As a group we looked at tutorials on Ident creations and attempted to recreate what he had seen but in our own way and manner.
Hopefully this allows us to create the ident that we need for our coursework project.

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Vito - Afro Wig Prop

Halfway through filming I got a haircut  and we haven't finished filming yet. This is a problem as half the opening sequence will show me with an afro, and the other half will have me without. To counter this problem I have decided to purchase a wig of the same kind of size.

(The wig in the picture is not an accurate representation of the wig that i'll be buying, it's just an example)

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Vito - Music For Opening Sequence

The opening sequence is going to have two different tracks in it. Both made by me. The first track is made to build suspense, so it starts off quite calm and slow and then slowly picks up the pace as it gets further into the track. It's also very deep music, which is what I was aiming for as everyone in my group wanted the movie to come off seriously.

Vito - Opening sequence credits

These are the credits that I created for the opening sequence. The names are all made up as we aren't allowed to use our real names in the credits due to the school disallowing the use of last names for safety purposes. I chose a classic 60s kind of font so it suits the time the movie is meant to be set in. It's a very fancy font with a 3D kind of look to it. I did this by creating a shadow behind the text, turning the opacity up to 100%, and moving the position of it. This gives the effect of a 3D look to the text.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Daniel - Opening Sequence so far

I edited the footage that we have created so far and uploaded it onto our YouTube account

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Daniel - Filming and Editing

On Monday 9th January, we went to Brent Cross to film, I have so far edited around 40 seconds of the opening sequence with only basic titles to understand the idea for when we input the more advanced titles into our sequence.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Daniel - Sound Effects

To prepare for our opening sequence I downloaded a bunch of sound effects. These included, screams for background, footsteps. heavy breathing and many more.
This will allow us to create tension in the scenes.

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