Thursday, 24 November 2016

Daniel - Wanted (2008) - Film Review

Over the weekend I watched Wanted (2008), which I have attached the trailer for above.

In this film, there were many techniques used to show different emotions and sequences that are important in the film.

Firstly, it shows the use of slow motion when the character runs and jumps from the building and into the glass. This scene is powerful since it shows the audience the true power of the character and how unreal his abilities are. (0:30 - 1:17)
In the same clip it shows a reverse shot near the start of the film to show the audience the distance the bullet travelled and the type of bullet it is, since it is important for the plot to know the type of bullet. (2:26 - 2:57)

Another time, the use slow motion is effective is when FOX (Angelina Jolie's character) and Wesley (James McAvoy's character) are both in the grocery store and FOX starts the shootout. Wesley is shocked and this is shown when his face is shown to the audience in the slow motion shot. (1:10 - 1:20)

Overall, the film contained many different techniques that were very significant and used very well throughout the film, and I will give it a 8.3 out of 10 rating.

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