Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Developing Ideas for our Opening Sequence

In todays lesson (09/11/16) we discussed ideas for our opening sequence and we have developed a solid idea. However this may change and adapt in the future.

Our main idea is a about a gang that is after a certain object that is hidden in a trunk (the audience never know what the object is). The scene is set after a massive shootout and you see a few individuals on the ground badly injured and trying to escape from the devastating event that just occurred. The main character shoots these individuals in the head dropping them dead. The scene then cuts to darkness of the inside of the trunk and then we see the main character opening the trunk and the camera is sitting there as if it is the object, however there is no object. The trunk closes to darkness and the Director's name pops up. Intense music plays and intensifies as the video goes on.

Then the scene cuts to the main character calling his 'boss' to inform him that the object is not there. It cuts again to darkness with an actor's name. Then cuts to the 'boss' saying "what do you mean?", Then cuts again to another Actors name then cuts again to the main character and he replies with "I mean its not there". Darkness again, another actors name, then cuts to the boss who pulls down the phone and hangs up. As soon as he presses the button the screen cuts to black with the ending sound of a phone call (beep beep) then the title comes up. (Title is not yet discussed).

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