Due to the violent nature of out film we have decided that our target audience is 18+ and with in this it will be more aimed at people in their 20s.
Our film is a thriller and so have done some research into what the main consumer of thriller movies are and what i found as quite shocking.From this table you can se that the main consumer of thriller films are men over 55 closely followed by females over 55.
i think one of the main reasons the statistic are this way as this info was taken from the bfi and to be able to watch films a the bfi u need to be a member and most of the members in the bfi are older people predominately male but with a quite a big female audience as well but due to the fact that they are older it will have a larger impact on the statistics of the table.
Even with this research and the evidence that is it showing we are sill going to aim our movie towards the demographic of people in their 20s, one example of thrillers being aimed at a younger audience would be films made by Quentin Tarantino.
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